What is SJB?

Solidarity Fidelity Resilience

The Society of Johannes Brothers is a strong community of men with one common purpose: To bring glory to our Lord and King Jesus Christ. However, how we achieve this may be uncommon as we are a group consisting of individual personalities with different gifts and roles in the same body. 

The Society of Johannes Brothers is a fellowship of seven brothers, including Johan Soläng, William Mattias, Oskar, David Onoh, Johannes Falih, and Rafael Lawand. Each and every member of this fellowship belongs to a single body–Christ. As written in 1 Corinthians 12, we are all different, individual, co-dependent parts of a whole. The co-dependency suggests that all must co-operate with each other for not individual goals, but a common goal. 

Our primary goal is the glorification of our God, our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who has brought all of us to be one in Him. We are all called to glory in Him and to also bring glory to Him and Him alone. One of the five tenets of the Lutheran Reformation, Soli Deo Gloria, emphasizes our primary purpose as members of the body of Christ. To God alone be all the glory. Only if our salvation is by grace alone will God alone receive all the glory. If there is something of our own we can claim, then we no longer boast in Christ alone. But if He is the author and finisher of our salvation, then He alone is to be magnified for his sovereign grace. So, why do we glorify God? We glorify God not because we are good people, but because God is a good God. 

Statement of Faith

Our Doctrines & Beliefs

The Society of Johannesbrothers is a fellowship of reformed Christian believers and could be Presbyterian as well as Catholic in nature. 

By being Lutheran, the majority of their beliefs are based on the teachings of Martin Luther and they hold key beliefs based on the principles of the Protestant Reformation. Their central teachings include:

  • Sovereignty of God: God is the supreme authority over all creation, and everything happens according to His divine will and plan (purpose).
  • Authority of Scripture: The Bible is the ultimate authority for faith and life, guiding moral and spiritual decision-making.
  • Predestination: God has chosen and elected certain people for salvation before the foundation of the world. This belief emphasizes God's sovereignty in the process of salvation.
  • Salvation by Grace through Faith: Salvation is a gift of God's grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ. It is not earned by human efforts or good works.
  • The Sacraments: They recognize two sacraments—Baptism and Holy Communion—as means by which God offers grace. They believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (Holy Communion).-
  • The Priesthood of All Believers: All Christians have direct access to God and are called to serve Him through their talents and vocations, not just ordained ministers.
  • Church Government: They practice a representative form of church governance, where elected elders, in this case, society members (presbyters) and ministers make decisions for the congregation in councils, emphasizing shared leadership.

They also affirm traditional Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, and the importance of living a life of service and love.

The Society of Johannesbrothers is “catholic” in that it reaffirms diverse doctrines of historic Christian orthodoxy such as those defined by the Apostles Creed and the great ecumenical councils of the first millennium of Christian history (The First Council of Nicaea, The First Council of Constantinople, Council of Ephesus, Council of Chalcedon, Second Council of Constantinople, Third Council of Constantinople, and the Second Council of Nicaea). It  also embraces folks from different denominational backgrounds so that its reach and ministry aren’t limited to a particular church denomination. There are no further complex qualifications for becoming a member of the Society of Johannesbrothers apart from a confession of faith in Jesus by words and deeds, being ready to share with other members the basic doctrinal beliefs, and also must seek doctrinal integrity as well as sanctification in their calling.

The Society of Johannesbrothers affirms historic Protestantism along with its vital doctrines such as Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide. Sola Scriptura refers to the article that the Bible, as the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God, is the sole written revelation that rules the faith and practice of the Christian community and alone can bind the conscience. Sola Fide refers to the doctrine of justification by faith alone whereby the believer is justified before God by the free grace of God by which He imputes the righteousness of Christ to the believer (Rom. 5:18-19). The sole ground of our justification is the merit of Jesus, which is imputed to all who put their trust in Him. Though good works flow necessarily and immediately from all justified persons, these works are not the meritorious grounds of our justification (Eph. 2:8-10). 


The Solas of the Protestant Reformation


Sola Scriptura  The Bible is the sole written divine revelation and alone can bind the conscience of believers absolutely.

Sola Fide  Justification is by faith alone. The merit of Christ, imputed to us by faith, is the sole ground of our acceptance by God, by which our sins are remitted and imputed to Christ.

Solus Christus  Jesus Christ is the only mediator through Whose work we are redeemed.

Sola Gratia  Our salvation rests solely on the work of God’s grace for us.

Soli Deo Gloria  To God alone belongs the glory.


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